Mediatwits podcast

I listen to a lot of podcasts as I think they’re an interesting and new way to learn and find out information. As most if them come out weekly they are a really up to date medium. I recently found an interesting podcast called Mediatwits on a website called Mediashift. The show is hosted by Mark Glaser who is the editor of Mediashift. The podcast covers a whole range of news stories and features and includes different journalists and media people each week. It normally focuses on digital media. It is very informative but can also be funny at the same time, which makes it an entertaining listen. Give it a go, you can listen on Soundcloud or I’ll post last week’s podcast in the link below. Last week’s show is about twitter and Apple so pretty topical.


  1. I really like this Soundcloud! I think when it comes to researching Media content and peoples evaluations on it, podcasts allow the academic researcher to get across their message in a more personal way which can be far more engaging than reading their research. However the only downside is referencing a podcast is difficult.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I also love SoundCloud! I used to listen only to music on it, when I found out the platform has also lots of interesting podcasts. I use it quite often, still more to listen to music, though. But I have my own playlist of funny and useful podcasts I’ve heard.
    As a user, getting to know about this channel will be great! Mainly nowadays when I’m used to do some daily tasks (working out, washing dishes, cooking, cleaning my room and so on..) always listening to radio news programes or to random podcasts.
    I feel that I’m wasting my time if I’m doing these activities and not improving myself in terms of knowledge at the same time –social/organic convergence? Or just madness?
    Anyways, I’m glad you shared this website with us. Thank you!


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