Online visibility

My Online visibility is something I have always given serious consideration to, my parents were always wary of internet privacy and I remember when I around 16 and I created my first email account my mum walking into my room and telling me not to use my real name. That’s always stuck with me, the phrase ‘better safe than sorry’ is something I’ve always applied in regards to my privacy and visibility online. The truth is I’ve only got comfortable with the sharing aspect of social networking as I got into my mid-twenties. I’ve only had a Facebook account since September and I probably wouldn’t have one if I wasn’t at University. Before then I had Tinder and Whatsapp, the latter is a social networking app but the sharing aspect doesn’t compare to others like Facebook and Tinder offers some element of control. When Facebook first arrived most people I know would add any tom dick and harry which I was never comfortable with. The idea of sharing my experiences in the form of picture and personal information with strangers made me uncomfortable. My Facebook account is private and will always be private in my mind was business does a stranger have looking at my page anyway? As a television student Social networking is a great way to promote your skills in the creative industries so I will create a separate page in time. In the meantime I’ll stick to a having a private page and the apps that suit me.



As a Television student the area of convergence that interest me most is broadcast television and the internet, 20 years ago both existed separately but now seem inseparable. I can’t imagine not having the option or freedom to watch Sherlock on the BBC I Player at a time that I choose. TV Networks allowing their content to be viewed online was just the beginning of course with the launch of Hulu in 2007 which specialised in streaming American cable television online after the day they aired. However the real game changer in my opinion is Netflix and Amazon because they produce their own content and I can see more online television networks emerging doing the same. I don’t believe broadcast television is dying and if it is, it’s an incredible slow death. Therefore the growth of online television production should to more job opportunities for professional who want to work in television. It will also has an effect on the types of television shows being made for example the BBC and Channel 4 are limited by regulations about explicit content like violence, blood, gore etc. I couldn’t imagine the BBC or Channel 4 making a television show like The Walking Dead or Netflix Daredevil, although maybe the launch of BBC Three online may change this. Another aspect of online television that distinguishes it from broadcast television is the option for fans to binge watch due to full episodic seasons being released at once.

Motivational/Advice Resource

I’ve decided to find a motivational/advice resource for people to use, I’m sure we all have bad days and maybe doubts about where we are and where we going. So my first recommendation is a YouTube channel geared towards entrepreneurship but the information provided can benefit anybody. It was created by Evan Carmichael who at 19 built then sold a biotech software company and at 22 was a VC helping raise $500k to $15mil. It comprises of videos from people like Steve Job, LL Cool J, Peter Jones (BBC Dragons Den) and Tony Stark himself Elon Musk sharing their experiences and advice on how to be successful. Once you watch a few of these videos you’ll quickly learn there is more than one path to being successful. The greatest tool you have aside from your skills is your mentality, determination and dedication to succeed. It’s also that entrepreneural spirit which led to the creation of FaceBook and every other popular Social Networking site today.
Evan Carmichael Youtube:

I would also like to leave a link for an amazing speech by Denzel Washington called ‘Fall Forward’.

The Internet and News

As an older student I thought that this subject wouldn’t be that interesting to me and I wouldn’t really learn anything new. I’ve lived through these changes and I can remember when there was no YouTube, Facebook or Netflix. My friends and I only used the internet to illegally download films and music which resulted in the death of many computers in my home growing up. I’ve have always been interested in international politics and I have paid attention to the changes that news outlets have had to make over the years in regards to expanding their reach online. However I was surprised to learn that 2008 was the first ‘Internet Election’ that saw American National candidates embrace the internet using YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to raise money and campaign. Millions of dollars were raised using the internet as a fund raising tool and statistics form the Pew Research Centre showed that 74% of President Obama supporters had received news and information about the 2008 election presidential online. 1998 was the first time a news story was broken on the internet and just last month Fox News teamed with Google to stream the GOP debate (Republican Presidential Candidates) live. The news industry and the internet have been on a long journey together and the history of the internet tells that people are always willing to embrace different ways of consuming media. The Pew Research Centre has some interesting statistics on Internet use in relation to news, I’d advise anyone interested in American News & Politics to check out the link below.

Daniel Williams